Spiritual Readiness & Order of Events

Spiritual Readiness

Below, you can find information to download, print, and share with others about the importance and urgency of seeking salvation in Jesus Christ and readying yourself and your household for his imminent return. In the Scriptures, we are called to ready ourselves spiritually and support others, to stand before him as a faithful, loving, and obedient servant by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We can distinguish three main groups of people at the onset of the impending end times judgments. They will be impacted by the measure of their faith, love and obedience to the Lord (Galatians 6:7-9):

  1. faithful followers of Jesus Christ, walking in love and obedience
  2. lukewarm believers, who lack faith, love, and/or obedience
  3. unbelievers, who neither acknowledge or follow the Lord

1. Faithful followers

Followers of Christ who walk in love, faith and obedience to the best of their ability, are also referred to in Scripture as ‘overcomers in Christ’ and as ‘wise virgins’. They will be supernaturally protected and provided for by the Lord (Psalm 51:17, Psalm 91, Joel 2:12-13, Isaiah 26:20, John 8:12, 2 Samuel 22:29). This will serve as a great comfort to them and their households, and as a testimony of the Lord’s sovereignty and faithfulness to others who do not (yet) fully abide in him (Deuteronomy 7:7-16). As these faithful believers endure patiently until the Lord’s arrival, they are promised to be accounted ‘worthy to escape’ the severe end times judgments (Luke 21:36, Matthew 24, Revelation 1-3, II Thessalonians 1:4-5, 10-11, Daniel 12:1). They will have completed their earthly time of refinement, sanctification and purification (I John 3:2-3, I Corinthians 11:32-33, Luke 18:1-8).

2. Lukewarm believers

The onset of the Lord’s end times judgments will likely overtake and rudely awake those in spiritual slumber, waywardness and disobedience (Luke 21:31-35, 1 Thessalonians 5:3-6, Jeremiah 2:19, 3:6-11, Galatians 5:16-21, Jonah 2). Confronted with the consequences of their spiritual lukewarmness and unpreparedness, they will be prompted to wholeheartedly turn back to the Lord and learn to to fully trust and obey him in areas where they were lacking prior (Joel 2:12-18). This purification and sanctification process is referred to in Scripture as ‘having to buy oil for their dwindling or darkened lamps’ (Matthew 25:1-13) and ‘cleansing their soiled wedding garments’. This means they have to invest their hearts, minds, time and efforts fully, to be sanctified and purified and develop enduring faith, so they too are spiritually ready to stand before the Lord as an overcomer in Christ (Matthew 5:16 & 25:8-10, Isaiah 55:1-7, Revelation 3:18-19). They will receive a measure of protection and provision during the time of judgments, according to their faith (Proverbs 14:14, Jeremiah 2:19, Matthew 6:24). As they grow and mature spiritually, their protection and provisions will be restored accordingly.

If lukewarm and wayward believers refuse to wholeheartedly repent, trust, and obey the Lord during the initial end times judgments, they run the risk of ‘being cut asunder’. This means they can find themselves left behind at the first, worldwide departure. Scripture speaks about this consequence in Luke 12:46-48 as well as in Matthew 24:51 and 25:10 and Deuteronomy 28. The word “asunder” implies being divided from the faithful, to be chastised and severely disciplined along with unbelievers.

Unrepentant believers who break the teachings of God willfully and move others to do likewise, are called ‘workers of iniquity’ per Matthew 7:22-23, akin to ‘evil servants’ in Matthew 24:48, who lack watchful vigilance, mock God’s prophecies and scorn their brethren. They bring forth works of darkness (John 3:20, Ephesians 5:11, Romans 13:13). Unless they repent and turn, they also run the risk of being cast into tribulation judgment (Matthew 8:11-12, Luke 13:27-28, Deuteronomy 28, I Corinthians 3:13-15). Leaders among them are associated with the prideful and oppressing forces within the assembly of Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-28).

3. Unbelievers

As his end times judgments unfold, the Lord will strongly urge, and when necessary, severely discipline unyielding unbelievers – who persist in willful sin, rebellion, and disobedience and neither acknowledge or follow the Lord – to humble their hearts, seek salvation and surrender to his lordship. Their trials and afflictions will be lifted if they wholeheartedly repent and turn to the Lord, seek salvation and surrender their lives to him to the best of their ability.

Unbelievers’ ungodly sources of power, security, and provision will crumble and fail them as the Lord’s judgments unfold, those in leadership included. Powerful witnessing, intercession, strong discipline and – if need be – severe judgment will follow, if they remain unrepentant. The increase in severity of the judgments is necessary for those who continue to harden their hearts against the Lord, his gospel of salvation and against his people, like in the case of Pharaoh and his magicians during the original Exodus. Some remained prideful and in willful disbelief, despite the grace and time bestowed to them to repent and turn. To them, the outworking of the full measure of the end times judgments will be required to humble them and toch their hardened hearts.

Order of Events

For your prayerful consideration. With thanks to Julie, PDL28 and Tim Foster

1. Gathering set apart group of faithful believers

Before the Lord’s end times judgments unfold in all earnest, he will first gather and supernaturally equip a set apart group of faithful believers, to be sent out on support and rescue missions amidst the coming judgments. This elect group of believers will receive immortal glorified bodies, like Jesus after his resurrection (Isaiah 60:1-5, Jeremiah 3:14-15, 23:3 and 51:2, Romans 8:19, Revelation 14:4, Daniel 12:3, Micah 4:13, Malachi 3:17, Enoch 50:1). They are considered the ‘first fruits’ of the Lord’s end times harvest, the ‘jewels of his crown’, the ‘sons of God creation awaits to be manifested’ (James 1:17-18, Leviticus 23:9-14, James 1:17-18, Matthew 22:14, Romans 8:19, Judges 7:7). During the time of judgment, they will be sent out on missions across the earth, lead many to the Lord and provide supernatural security, provision, healing and guidance to whom they’re dispatched to. They will perform the ‘greater works’ and supernatural miracles Matthew 10:8, John 14:12, Acts 2:43, Habakkuk 2:14, Haggai 2:9, Malachi 3:16-18. and John 6:11 speak about.

2. National judgments, starting with the US

Then, the Lord’s national judgments will fall, starting with the United States and its demonic stronghold cities such as New York, Washington and Los Angeles. This nation will be judged first due to its leading role in distribution of sin, idolatry, death and wickedness worldwide (Revelation 18:1-10, Hosea 9:11, Jeremiah 50-51, Genesis 49:15, Amos 8, Isaiah 28:3, Jeremiah 50:45, 2 Esdras 11:40-46). Dedicated to the Lord at the time of its foundation, the firstborn nation was once richly blessed and highly favored, ‘a golden cup’ in the Lord’s hand, as his precepts were upheld and shared worldwide (Jeremiah 50:13, 51:7). Succumbing to backsliding and waywardness as the nation developed however, the now apostate nation has been completely overtaken by sin, idolatry and pride. It is recognized as ‘spiritual Babylon‘ in Scripture and is destined to endure a similar fate as the sin-filled Old Testament cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 49:23, Hosea 5:3, Isaiah 23:10, Jeremiah 31:9, Jeremiah 50:41). Scripture relays the US will suffer severe judgments in the form of nuclear attacks, severe coastal flooding and earthquakes, famines, plagues and pestilences, in addition to foreign military invasion and occupation (by China and Russia amongst others) resulting in the dispersing and captivity of many, coupled with widespread chaos, civil war and martial law (Jeremiah 50:3-13, Luke 21:10-12, Isaiah 29:6, Zephaniah 1:14-16).

These initial judgments of the US will be followed by similar judgments of nations ‘partaking in spiritual fornication with her’, in other words, those allied with her in the same apostacy and moral deprivation (Hosea 5:9-11, Amos 8:8, Revelation 18:3-24, Jeremiah 4-5, Jeremiah 51, Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2:11 & Revelation 8-22).

After the initial waves of judgment, the US will be totally annihilated by cosmic destruction within the span of one hour, from which the nation will not recover (Revelation 18:8, Isaiah 13, Isaiah 28:2-4). Jeremiah 6 (verses 22-30) and Jeremiah 5 indicate that the debris field of ‘the destroyer’ (inbound planetary system, often referred to as ‘Planet X’, or ‘Niburu’) will impact the earth after the US’ northern invasion (Jeremiah 6:26, 48:8, 51:55-56, Job 15:21). The nation’s geopolitical role as ‘hammer of the world’ will be no more (Jeremiah 50:12-23), nor will her spiritual drunkenness and spell-casting of ‘images’ intoxicate and bind people any longer (Jeremiah 50:38b).

Faithful believers in the affected areas will be (supernaturally) protected and provided for as they abide in faith until the Lord comes to rescue them (Psalm 91, 23). The innocent in Christ – children and feeble minded who cannot make a decision for Christ – will be safeguarded as well. My detailed article about the rapture of the innocent can be accessed here.

Believers in the affected areas are instructed to not partake in civil uprisings, but to guard their hearts, minds and homes peacefully, walk by the Holy Spirit, intercede for others, remain vigilant, watch and pray continually (2 Timothy 3:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12, Matthew 21:22, 1 John 5:14-15).

3. False peace

After the first wave of worldwide uprisings and nuclear exchange a false peace will be proclaimed by a false messianic figure, who will be supported by the world elite of incumbent kings, government rulers, spiritual leaders and celebrities who have been deceived and/or are corrupted. People will be strongly encouraged to make a choice for this false messianic leader, who will have the power, authority and means to deceive, convince and overpower many, including lukewarm Christ-professing religious leaders.

Followers of Jesus Christ are informed and warned in the Scriptures to not be misled by false claims by any worldly or religious authority nor succumb to oppressive or deceptive tactics (Matthew 24:23-28). Scripture instructs us to trust, follow and obey Jesus Christ alone, according to the Scriptures and by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

4. Worldwide rescue of the innocent and faithful

In the midst of spiritual and physical darkness – caused by an inbound planetary system – when demonic entities will roam the earth, Jesus will come down from the heavenly throne room to rescue the innocent in Christ (children and the feeble minded) and his remaining faithful believers (including new converts that have repented and fully submitted their lives unto him). They will be taken to heaven to safeguard them from subsequent judgments and the enemy’s harmful plans. Jesus will not set foot on earth at this time; he will rescue them from the air. This event is commonly referred to by Christians as the ‘worldwide rapture’ (Gr. harpazõ) or ‘catching up’ (Isaiah 11:11, Matthew 24:30, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, Luke 12:35-38).

I have written a comprehensive article about this specific timeframe of spiritual and physical darkness, entitled ‘The Three Days of Darkness’, which can be read here. In the article you can read information and instructions the Lord has provided to safeguard people during this time.

I have also written a detailed article about the rapture of the innocent in Christ, to comfort, inform and instruct left behind family members about the fate of the disappeared, how to find and maintain salvation and be reunited with their raptured loved ones.

5. Second Exodus judgments

By the Scriptures, we can discern the Lord will send a subsequent series of judgmentspatterned after the original Exodus plagues – to bring the hardened hearts of remaining unbelievers to repentance and salvation and beckon lukewarm and wayward believers to repent and wholeheartedly trust and obey him, to be accounted worthy to escape further judgments to come. He will send out rescue teams of supernaturally equipped believers (immortal, in glorified bodies) to support those remaining.

6. The antichrist and the beast system

After the initial waves of judgment (Isaiah 61:2, Romans 2:5; 1:18, 24-28; 5:9 and Revelation 6:17; 11:18, 13-15) more severe trials and tribulation will fall on those left behind. An antichrist figure (indwelled with the adversary) will enter the world stage, supported by the previously revealed false messiah and those who support his rule. This antichrist will demand everyone on the earth to receive his identity and transaction mark and worship him.

7. The mark of the beast

This identity and transaction mark – operating within an AI-enhanced digital control grid – will be required to ‘buy and sell’ (including basic needs such as food, clothing, and medicine) and thus take part in the financial, economic, government and communication infrastructure and have access to medical care. The Bible records that this mark will be administered in people’s right hand or in their forehead and will be advertised under false pretenses (expectedly pertaining to health benefits, being ‘upgraded’ with superhuman abilities, digital enhancement and longevity, possibly even promising immortality) to entice and coerce people to accept it.

By the time the ‘mark of the beast’ is administered and people find themselves forced to either accept or reject it as the only given options, the only alternative to the mark will be to surrender one’s life to Christ fully and die (be martyred). The eternal consequences of either accepting the mark or dying for Christ are clearly discernible by the Scriptures:

Those who take the mark

The Bible states that all recipients of the mark of the beast will be damned to hell for eternity (Revelation 14:9-11). This includes previously professing believers who decide to take it. Accepting the mark in one’s body will cause the irreversible corruption of a person’s body (genome), mind and soul, causing them to no longer be made in God’s image and therefor to no longer be redeemable. Recipients of this mark will not only be connected with the beast system, but will be fully controlled by and indwelled with demons, whereby the Holy Spirit of God can no longer reside in them. Biblically, this mark is referred to as the ‘mark of the beast’, as it demands people to pledge full allegiance to the beast system and its antichrist leadership and thus forfeit Jesus as their only Lord and Savior. In short, if people accept it, they will be dammed to hell, which means suffering eternal, conscious torment.

Those who reject the mark

Those who maintain a living testimony of Jesus as their Lord and Savior until the end of their earthly lives and refuse the antichrist’s mark, will instantly be in heaven after their physical death. They will then enjoy eternity with Jesus Christ and their redeemed and raptured loved ones in a glorified body which is not subject to pain, disease, suffering or death (Revelation 6:9).

Be sure to inform your loved ones of this pivotal decision point and the general requirement to keep a living testimony of Jesus until the end of one’s life.

It’s important to discern that the current CV-19 injections are not the mark of the beast, but form a stepping stone toward its future rollout. I explain this in more detail in this document, elaborated upon in this book (pages 25-32 especially).

8. Jesus returns

After a short reign of utter evil under the antichrist’s rule, Jesus will return to earth (accompanied by his faithful believers) to bring the adversary’s short reign to a swift end. When the world is rid of all evil, Jesus will gather his people, restore the land and set up his kingdom which will last a 1000 years (commonly referred to as the millennial reign).

To download, print and share

Salvation & readiness

To know the Lord Jesus Christ personally and be certain of your eternal salvation, click here.

Here, you can find the ABCs of Salvation printables in many languages. When you share these, emphasize the importance to continue to walk in faith, love and obedience and to seek the Lord daily.

Spiritual readiness

I recorded this video to help you prepare yourself spiritually to stand before the Lord as a faithful, loving, and obedient witness.

The bride has made herself ready

This booklet, entitled: ‘Be Ye Ready’ is featured in the video and can help you examine yourself by the Spirit and the Word.

I also recommended this book by Christine Beadsworth, entitled: ‘Beauty Treatments for the Bride.

Promises, rewards and losses, forfeiting salvation

COVID-19 aftermath

  • COVID-19 research links and self-care info.
  • My condensed study about why current COVID-19 jabs are not the Biblical ‘mark of the beast’, but a stepping stone toward its future roll-out. See also p.25-32 of this book and this article.

Children’s Health Defense

Vax injuries and lethality

Geopolitical context, CV19 jabs, Jesuit origin of inoculation, weaponized 5G, Marburg disease.


Outreach material

Bible purchase

Audio tools & apps


Audio | Films (multilingual)

Bible teaching

Spiritual warfare

Left behind letter & preparedness

  • Here, you can find a post-rapture letter format to help you write a letter for people you expect to be left behind.
  • Here, you can find sample rapture letters.
  • Here, you can download a letter written especially for people who are hard to reach.

Practical and Medical Preparedness

On this preparedness page, you can find information about practical and medical preparedness for emergency situations and disasters and ensure provisions for clean water, food, energy, and medical care.

My Dutch website: ‘After the rapture’

On my Dutch website, I share information and instructions for people who find themselves left behind after the first rapture.

A translation widget is included on each page.

Some of the topics covered

Dealing with high conflict & narcissism

In my article, entitled: ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’ you can find Biblical insights, sample prayers, and practical information about how to deal with high-conflict situations and narcissism (Biblically known as insolent pride).

Personal consultation

If you desire consultation or prayer support regarding personal or family-related high-conflict situations, you can contact me by email.

Business support

If you’d like to benefit from my executive consultation and strategic coaching support, you can visit my business consultation page.


The Bible calls us to be discerning and carefully vet information by the Word of God, the leading of the Holy Spirit and otherwise verifiable truth. As such, the information on this page is intended as a starting point for your own research.

Off grid info

Make sure you print the material, or download the resources on carriers suitable for off-line and off-grid viewing, as the Internet and electrical grids will likely not be stable after the Lord’s judgments fall. Also, Biblical online content is expected to be erased and/or altered at that time. Having paper bibles and physical outreach material on hand, is therefor recommended.

Courtesy clay lamp image

Last update of the article: 12/21/2023

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